lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Trend Alert: Graphic Tees.

Graphic tees vienen para quedarse por largo tiempo. Son muy lindas y te ayudan a formar un outfit prolijo y sin esfuerzos; las puedes usar con Jeans, faldas, shorts, leggins. Puedes adaptarlas dependiendo de tu estilo, si quieres lograr edgy looks se ven perfectas con pantalones de cuero y platform booties o si eres mas classy  las puedes combinar con faldas o jeans. Son una buena opcion que puedes utilizar esta spring o el summer que ya esta por llegar. En nuestro polyvore y fashiolista profile podran encontrar estas ideas ademas de pinterest (
Graphic tees are the thing, they are here to stay all spring and summer. They are really cute and help you create effortless outfits. You can wear them with jeans, skirts, leggins; adapt them to your everyday style to create looks you want to achieve. For example to achieve an edgy look you can pair them with leather pants or a jacket with platform booties or if you are girly they'll work perfectly with skirts and jeans. You will find some ideas of how to wear graphic tees on our polyvore and fashiolista and pinterest profiles. (

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